Radio over fiber kit for SPIDER radio telescope

Radio-over-Fiber kit

for SPIDER MarkII radio telescopes

Radio-over-Fiber kit for SPIDER MarkII radio telescope allows you to have fiber optic cable connecting the antenna to the H142-One radio astronomy receiver in the control room, instead of the standard coaxial cables. This way you remove the normal gain loss because of cable length and you improve even more performances of your SPIDER MarkII radio telescope. Note: not compatible with first generation SPIDER radio telescope.

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Avoid gain loss even over long distances for with the Radio-over-Fiber kit for SPIDER MarkII radio telescope.

This Radio-over-Fiber kit is composed of:

  • Fiber optic digital converters to be installed on the radio telescope antenna
  • Fiber optic converter to be installed in the control room close to the H142-One radio astronomy receiver
  • Fiber optic cable (to be ordered based on needed length)


Radio over fiber kit for SPIDER MarkII radio telescope


This radio over fiber kit has been specifically designed for SPIDER MarkII radio telescope at 1420 MHz and can’t be used for other systems/applications. Price changes according to the length of the fiber optic cable.

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